Cardinal bird excited about seeing its possible mate in my rearview mirror
Nature is always full of surprises and this cardinal bird is no exception.
It’s spring in the southern United States.
The cardinals and robins have returned to the area over the last month or so.
This one particular bird has spent an inordinate amount of time trying to mate and feed its reflection in my passenger-side rearview mirror.
Video of a cardinal bird attacking my passenger side rearview mirror.

2023 tent camping preparations underway
This begins the 2023 tent camping video series for
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I hope you enjoy this particular insight into birding. There are many videos of cardinals doing the same thing on YouTube, however, most are with a single camera.
That kind of thing doesn’t work for me.
I wanted to find a different approach to what many of you can find in your own worlds.
Thanks for checking this out, and come back often. The 2023 tent camping season is underway, at least I’m making preparations for it.