I hope everyone had a good laugh over the piece posted earlier about the Balch Springs Fire Department having to get me off the roof two years ago while trying to put up my Christmas lights. Well, here's an equally funny video of me taking down the lights, without having to get up on the roof.
Last year I used the same method and thought it would make a great video for this year. If you remember in The Grinch Who Stole Christmas when he's going through a living room and has the magnet and he's zipping out nails and catching stockings in a bag as they fall, well, this might seem similar. That's not to say I think what I did was Grinchy, but I know I got done with this a whole lot quicker than my neighbor did!
Enjoy. It sure looked sad out in front of the house tonight with no lights. But hey, just 11 more months and we can put them back up!
How many bulbs got broken?
Brilliant Donny! Brilliant 🙂
thats funny! Well done
Thanks, Tony, please keep coming back. And bring friends with you!