KT Tunstall is in the midst of a mini-tour through Great Britain and I’ve been waiting for someone to post something about her new material. One of the UK papers wrote something yesterday saying it was dancier than her previous stuff, but they never said if it’s any good or not.
Comes now a YouTube video post of her performance in Edinburgh, last night. It’s said “Glamour Puss” is going to be her first single off the new record. Of course a YouTube video most often isn’t done with studio equipment and of course, this is a live performance, but I must say, after hearing it twice, it’s kinda catchy.
Not to mention how good it is that KT is actually back from her three-year holiday. The next question becomes when shall this darling of England make her way across the pond so we can see her over here? No word as yet.
In the meantime, here’s last night’s video.