My Little Girl’s War–A Peace of War by Will Manning

For Immediate Release                                                                                                                             Contact: Donald J. Claxton

Oct. 27, 2010                                                                                                                                                               972-863-8784

DFW TV Assignment Editor Writes Powerful Story of a US Army Female Soldier’s Faith and True Mission While Serving in Iraq

His writing is so intense, descriptive and accurate, he’s received calls from the government

DALLAS: The calls have subsided for now, but when DFW TV assignment editor Will Manning first released his book, “MLGW—A Peace of War” (My Little Girl’s War), he received phone calls from the government asking how he knew to write in such detail about certain events that may have or may not have taken place in reality.

“I was asked how I was made aware of insurgent tactics. Little-known facts of distant battles encapsulated in this book are born from imagination and conversations. Fact or fiction, the details of Iraqi insurgents ambushing US Army patrols, taking personal belongings and then sending email notifications to their next of kin, all before the military could do it, makes for a compelling story,” Manning said. “Writing is my passion and providing as much detail as possible to help my readers understand what my characters are enduring is what it’s all about.  Apparently, someone in the ranks thinks I’ve accomplished that.”

Manning, a fifth generation Texan who has spent the past 20 years in television news and is currently with KTVT-CBS in Dallas-Fort Worth, says the contacts he has made along the way have helped fuel his imagination and helped turn him into a very descriptive author.

MLGW focuses on Angela Saxon, a West Texas woman raised by her father from age five who has grown into a woman of strong passion and who enlists in the US Army to live it out.  She is fueled with the drive to change lives by fighting alongside desert uniformed soldiers and Iraqi Comrades.  It is here that Angela learns her greatest fight is for the smallest life in the oldest battlefield on earth.

WHAT: DFW author Will Manning available to talk about his book “My Little Girl’s War—A Peace of War” which tells the story of a young Texas woman who enlists and learns that her true mission is bigger than the one of any government.

WHEN: Mr. Manning is available via telephone and satellite interviews daily.  His focus is especially timely with the approaching remembrance of Veteran’s Day 2010.

TOPICS: The carefully woven tale of his book, calls from the government, and writing a detailed book about what US Soldiers have endured while fighting in Iraq all are topics Mr. Manning is ready to discuss.

HOW: Booking arrangements are being handled on Mr. Manning’s behalf by Claxton Creative, LLC at 972-863-8784.

SAMPLES: A sample of the book is at for review.

This is an image of the tree line from the new County Road 510 Bridge near Marquette, Michigan.

1 Comment

  1. Dr. Scott Rowlett

    I had the opportunity to meet your neice in Georgia and she spoke highly of you and the book. She was so excited in her discription, I have decided to hunt down a copy for myself. After reading the above, I am curious and look forward to the read. I have been to Texas many times and of all the states I have traveled too….which is all…..I honestly do love Texas the most. God bless you sir!


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Donald J. Claxton | The Timberlander, a selfie from camping for 13 weeks in 2022 on the Claxton family land in the Upper Peninsula of Michigan, northwest of Marquette.

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‘The Timberlander’

Hello, I’m Donald J. 

I refer to myself as “The Timberlander” because I love off-grid living and woodworking.

My Great Pyrenees, Maycee, and I enjoy spending our time in the woods of the Upper Peninsula of Michigan.

In the UP, I craft, make, grow, run, carve, and generate:

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