Today’s thing to thing about is quite simple and straight forward: You don’t miss what you’ve never had.
It was said long ago by George Elliot. He more poignantly stated it as: Them as ha’ never had a cushion don’t miss it. For some reason, I’ve always thought it was “He who hath never had a cushion doesn’t miss it,” and for some reason I’ve been going about since my high school days thinking it was Benjamin Franklin who had copied it, I mean, adapted it.
In the 1990s song “I Wish“ by a band called, “King Missile,” (Their best known song was“Detachable Penis.“) in a random series of lyrics that mostly make no sense at all, the singer laments that he wishes he could “Return to the life I never knew.”
But that’s the paradox of it all, and I think that was mainly the point of the song, you can’t long for something you don’t know exists. Or can you?
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