Chuck Lorre’s Placard tonight, #329: If Charlie Sheen Out Lives Me…

UPDATE: Whew, impressive.  MSNBC is so on this: Posted it tonight, 2/15/11, almost 20 hours after I did.

Part of the extra fun of watching Two And A Half Men for me for years was being ready to stop and read Chuck Lorre‘s ending note placards.  They’re usually laced with information about how the CBS censors wouldn’t let there be jokes about one thing, but allowed something even more outlandish into an episode and how they can suck it.

Well, tonight was a little different.

Here’s the message:

I exercise regularly. I eat moderate amounts of healthy food.  I make sure to get plenty of rest.  I see my doctor once a year and my dentist twice a year. I floss every night.  I’ve had chest x-rays, cardio stress tests EKGs and colonoscopies. I see a psychologist and have a variety of hobbies to reduce stress.  I don’t drink.  I don’t smoke. I don’t do drugs. I don’t have crazy, reckless sex with strangers.

If Charlie Sheen outlives me, I’m  gonna be really pissed.

The last news I heard was that tonight’s show was the last one they had in the can.  You’ve already seen CBS doing screwy things with the line up.  Let’s face it.  Monday night is the funniest one on TV.

But I think, even though Lorre may be trying to be funny here, that his lining has worn a little thin.   Some don’t realize how their life effects another, but this latest deal with Charlie is costing a lot of people a lot.

Charlie Sheen clearly has spiraled out of control.  He’s the current male version of Lindsay Lohan.

Let’s hope it all works out.

And Chuck, for now, unless Charlie is somehow related to Keith Richards or cockroaches, I think the odds are in your favor.

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The Secret Abuses Of ‘The Prosperity Message’


Leah Davis’ New Book Exposes How Fear, Guilt & Intimidation Are Ruining People’s Lives While Mega Church Pastors Are Making Fortunes

HOUSTON: Humble, Tex. Author Leah Davis has new in-depth information about “The Prosperity Message:” It’s ruining the lives of many faithful Christians while some mega church pastors throughout America are leading rags to riches lives at the expense of their parishioners who are guilted with fear and intimidation to give in abundance to the church even before paying their mortgage, car payments and even utilities.


In her book, What Your Pastor Didn’t Tell You About The Prosperity Message, Davis seeks to alert consumers of the intimidation tactics some preachers use to increase church giving and to also provide insightful wealth building tips that are critical for surviving tough economic times.

“Having been a member of a mega church, employed by the ministry and being a tither for more than a decade, I experienced firsthand the skillful ways that pastors manipulate the scriptures and gently pressure their members to give,” Davis said. “I know the struggles, pressures and emotional vulnerabilities congregants are facing, having to decide whether to please God and pay their tithes or deal with the human-imposed guilt and pay their bills.”

Davis quotes a research report by Christianity Today International that cites 38 percent of churches surveyed reported a decline in church giving in 2010 and, equally alarming, 77 percent of Christian household incomes have stagnated or decreased in the past 12 months.

“This causes pastors to contrive ways to keep their ministries afloat, and some are doing so by very questionable means,” Davis said.  “Though giving and generosity are principles taught in the Bible, they should not be used in accordance with fear, guilt and intimidation tactics that cause people to feel they are committing a sin by not supporting their ministry financially.  We have seen prosperity in the pulpit.  Some have seen pastors go from rags to riches right before their eyes.”

The author says those who chose not to contribute at the levels prescribed from the pulpit are called “God robbers” and sent on a guilt trip, while those who contribute beyond their means have false expectations of financial increase based on half-truths that carelessly omit the basic fundamentals of building and attracting wealth.

“Many have failed to receive prosperity because they haven’t fully examined the message, the messengers, the motives and the methods that bring money into our hands,” Davis said.

But she doesn’t blanket all prosperity-preaching ministers as abusers of the system.

“Though many anti-prosperity preachers have expressed their distaste for the message and the messengers of prosperity, many have failed to explain what money is, how it is acquired and God’s true purpose for prosperity,” Davis said.  “This is what is getting so many into financial trouble from which they cannot recover, compounded by the state of the national economy.”

A Victim Of The Prosperity Message

Herself a victim of half-truths from the pulpit, Davis simply says, “I don’t want others to make the same mistakes I did. Christians are often taught that being righteous, holy and faithful means automatic entitlement to wealth and blessings. We can see from some of our own lives, this is not true.”

Davis’ style is direct, controversial and straightforward.  “My readers are given the missing components to the prosperity message, so they can make the proper adjustments in their hearts, minds and actions,” she says.  “In the book I attempt to present a clear understanding of what God promises.  The book cuts through the junk and tells my readers what they need to know but aren’t hearing out of the pulpit.”

What Your Pastor Didn’t Tell You About The Prosperity Message is available for sale at

“Please know that I am not talking about all pastors,” Davis says. “I mean no disrespect to the preachers and teachers of prosperity. What I write in this book does not change the wealth they have acquired or the things they may have done to get it. I am not trying to diminish or defame pastors in any way. The perspective of pastors may be different because of their position and all the things that must be managed as a pastor and business owner. I wish all ministers well in all their endeavors and continued success in ministry. My heart’s desire is to teach God’s people the whole truth about the prosperity message so that we can walk in victory in this area of their lives.

About the Author

Leah Davis is a recognized screenwriter, song writer  and director in the entertainment industry. Known for tackling very controversial topics in Christianity, Leah has been called a jewel to the body of Christ because her writings, often coupled with humor and drama always bring a clear understanding of God’s word. In her latest book, “What Your Pastor Didn’t Teach You about the Prosperity Message” Leah tackles undoubtedly the most controversial topic in the body of Christ, in an effort to help Christians rediscover God’s true purpose for financial prosperity.

Claxton Creative, LLC

Claxton Creative is a DFW-area based public relations firm focused on Social impact, innovation and invention.  Owned by former political advisor and Dallas ISD spokesman Donald Claxton, the company specializes in social media and traditional mediums to market and brand products domestically and internationally.  The company provides PR services for brands, bloggers, businesses and school districts.


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There’s Power in Twitter–Literally

This morning at 5:58 a.m. I awoke abruptly to the fact that my power was out. It came back on for a few minutes and I rested again. But then it went off. And at 3:40 p.m. it’s still off.

I patiently awaited it to come back on throughout the morning. I heard of Chase banks here in the area having issues, but their power had just come back on and they were booting their computers. Not so here.

So I started venting a little bit via Twitter. I included #Oncor and #TXU hastags in my tweets and shortly, I got Tweets back from Oncor, then Catherine Cueller, whom I know of by communications circles I’m in but have never met, and then from @TXUEnergyNews

I’ve told them I was going to write something positive about them being so responsive via Twitter. This is something I emphasize to my clients. It’s great to see others doing it, too.

I was asked by Catherine and @Oncor to call 1-888-313-4747 to report my outage. I’d already done that, but at least I knew I was on the right track.

Then came the Tweets from @TXUEnergyNews asking me first to friend them, then to DM them with information. Shortly there after, I got a DM back saying to Email a contact at TXU. I provided him the information from my account.

I received the DM 23 minutes ago. I sent an email back about three minutes later. I received a call back from TXU 16 minutes ago. They’re checking with Oncor again on my behalf, and the several hundred others here in the complex who have been without power as long as I have.

We’re coming up on the nine-hour-mark, but I do in one way have a warm feeling inside. I know that what I’ve been emphasizing to my clients, the need to actively monitor Twitter is essential in today’s marketplace, and second of all, I know that at least two people inside these two power companies in Texas are working on my behalf, just because of a Tweet.

BTW: The TXU guy who called, Greg, says the rolling blackouts in Texas have been stopped. So, my power outage is something worse than them trying to keep the grid from overloading. The third good thing I’ve now seen from this interaction via Twitter.

Thanks Catherine and thank you, Greg.

I’m glad I had a Long John’s moment a while ago. And I don’t mean the restaurant kind. I’m warmer now, but it’s getting really cold.

I’d go back up and do links, but iPad Safari doesn’t let me do that in WordPress–Something that seriously needs to be taken up with Apple. .

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Anti-Gun Nuts To The Rescue! How About Nut Control Instead?

Well, that didn’t take long.  Politico is reporting tonight that Dem. House member from NY Carolyn McCarthy is planning to introduce new gun control legislation as early as tomorrow in the wake of Rep. Gabrielle Giffons’ shooting Saturday in Arizona by a nut job. 

We’re back to the same old tired stuff.

Instead of limiting guns in America, last time I checked that was protected in the Constitution–let’s do something else.  Now I need to say that I sympathize with her loss of her husband and understand her motivation.  In fact, I honor it.  I’m working on Veronica Galaviz’s project Living To Share for some of the same reason.  But you don’t mend madness with more madness.  It’s kind of like sending the head of the FBI to Arizona yesterday.  Other than symbolism, did it really do any good for America’s lead crime fighter to be in Arizona?

Nut Control Legislation

How about we introduce a bill that says Nut Cases can’t have guns?  The reason we don’t is because it’s not enforceable.  The sad fact is that a mentally depressed person intent on doing something mad like Saturday is almost always going to find what they need to carry out their madness.  I worked with state troopers when I was in the governor’s office years ago.  Their greatest fears weren’t a car with mercenaries unloading on them.  Their worries were if one goofy nut like Jared Lee Loughner got close enough with the intent to do what Loughner did yesterday.

So Mrs. McCarthy will have her soapbox and so will the rest of the anti-gun lobby.  Maybe they could all fly out to Arizona, too.  It’d make as much sense as sending Robert Mueller out there.

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Why I cut 3,119 Non-Followers on Twitter and Feel the Better For It

As you may recall, there was a post here on 371 or so days ago was entitled: Why I cut 3,300 peeps from my @Twitter account and feel all the better for it.  This year, I only cut 3,119, but it was time for a cleansing of the tweeps who I was following who either weren’t kind enough or who were too important in their own minds to be following me back.  There was a smaller group, like of about 350 or so, whom I cut because they haven’t used Twitter like  since the days of smoke signals. 

It took me about three days again, but this year I had help.  I used a couple of UnFollow Twitter sites.  And using Firefox and a plug in that lets me check boxes on pages where the Twitter API no longer will allow programmers to build it into a page, I zapped roughly 1,500 peeps a day, by the categories mentioned above.  The site I used for the purging was ManageFilter and I have to say, it worked really, really easy.  Of course, I didn’t cut everyone it recommended, but it did clear a lot of fog.  Because really, who wants to get a bunch tweets from someone you can’t really carry on a conversation with?

I used ManageFilter most of all because it didn’t cost me anything.  I began with another site,, and although they were kind enough to tell me of the Firefox plug-in Check-Fox, I couldn’t figure out how to use it.   It’s sort of tricky, but it goes like this.

On a Mac, you hit Control+A at the same time you’re right clicking on your mouse. (I think it’s the same for a PC, but if you have a PC, you’re probably more worried about if it’s going to work in 10 minutes than the number of Twitter followers who aren’t following you.) This works on pages where there are check boxes for miles and you don’t have the patience or the extra hour or so of time to click down through say, 1,500 boxes. Because I didn’t know that, would only cut 500 non-followers at a time, I wasted the time to highlight the 1,500 I wanted to get rid of, only to click delete and for it to tell me it had a limit.  So, I wasted about an hour and a half time, total, and largely decided I was not happy.  I then downloaded the Check-Fox add on for Firefox, logged back into to use it, and then it said my three FREE attempts were all used up and I could pay $1.37 or some crazy-assed amount to use it for three days.  I sent‘s developer a Tweet saying how disappointed I was.  His response was to get the Check-Fox add on.  I decided for the time I’d already invested with them, there was no way I was going to pay $1.37.

Twitter 2011

Like last year, I want to commend Twitter for how it’s really worked to clean up the spammers and those tramps trying to sell sex sites.

But I also have to say that I’m not real crazy about their new layout.  It’s frustrated me, and maybe that’s more so because I’m now 45, but here’ what I did last night that I didn’t want to do.

I sent a DM to someone I didn’t want to send a DM to.  I clicked in the messages portion I guess at the top center of the new Twitter screen and sent them a message.  Well, I was so tired when I sent it, and frustrated that I was having to use new Twitter that I didn’t realize until this morning that I’d sent the DM.  

So, for those of you out there who might be struggling with the new Twitter to figure out how to send a DM to someone, you click the MESSAGE space at the top.  Now the screen it takes you to to me feels like it’s a Timeline screen, and that’s where I made my error.

So, person who got a DM from me last night asking why you’ve not been on Twitter the past few days, I didn’t mean to do that, and I’m glad you replied this morning to one of my normal tweets to you.  Like I promised when you began following me, I plan to continue to be judicial in how I send DMs to you, as the last thing I want to happen, is for you to unfollow me.

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